For players in grades Prep - 5, ANZ Hot Shots Tennis is a great specialised program tailored for primary school aged children, fully endorsed by Tennis Australia.

Modified equipment such as mini tennis nets and low compression balls are a part of every lesson, which make learning tennis fun from the very start!

The Coaching Team are Tennis Australia certified, with a combined 27+years coaching experience.


Registration: Spots are limited and reserved on a first in best dressed basis.

Who Can Register: Prep - Grade 5

*When selecting your program morning, we recommend Preps select a morning that allows participation from February 8am in Term 1.

Term 1 2025 Dates: 

  • Start Date/s: Tuesday February 4th/ Wednesday February 5th

  • Conclusion Date/s: Tuesday March 25th/ Wednesday March 26th

    *When selecting your program morning, we recommend Preps select a morning that allows participation from February 8am in Term 1.

Lesson Times / Duration: The program is run before school, at 8am. Each lesson runs for 45 minutes.

Program Duration: 8 week program

Where Does the lesson run?:

Tennis nets are set up on the large undercover basketball court area (next to the playground), on school grounds.

Term 1 2025 Fee:

Attending 1 morning per week (a Tuesday or a Wednesday):

  • $180.00 (GST Incl.)

Attending 2 mornings per week (both Tuesday and Wednesday - 10% Discount off 2nd lesson) :

  • $342.00 (GST Incl.)


You will receive an invoice prior to the program start date for the Term. Payment is due strictly by the due date noted on the invoice (by the first lesson of the program).


  • Do I need to bring anything? - No, all equipment is provided, racquets are available to borrow each week.

  • Do I need to stay while my child is having their lesson? - No, it is quite common for parents to drop off their child and leave.

  • Does the Coaching Team walk my child to their classroom after the lesson? - Kindly note students are to make their own way to their class room after their lesson (teachers & coaches are not able to escort students).

  • Does the lesson still run if it is raining? - Yes, as the program is run on the large undercover basketball court area, the lesson will continue.