For players in grades Prep - 3, ANZ Hot Shots Tennis is a great specialised program tailored for primary school aged children, fully endorsed by Tennis Australia.

Modified equipment such as mini tennis nets and low compression balls are a part of every lesson, which make learning tennis fun from the very start!

For players in grades 4 - 6, they play on a larger court size with the regular size nets, with modified ‘Green’ balls that are 25% slower compared to the adult yellow ball. This enables players to learn key tennis fundamentals without the ball bouncing too high!

Our coaching team is Tennis Australia certified, and has an extensive combined 27+ years experience in coaching.


We are passionate about imparting a love for the game of tennis for every individual that enters our environment. Tennis is a sport for life, and we enjoy guiding & growing players on their tennis journey with us. High participation is essential in every lesson with us (no standing in long lines on court!). Our fun team environment builds confidence in players and a love for the game.

TERM 2 2023 Registration Due Date:

By April 26th 2023 (spots limited, reserved on a first in best dressed basis)

Spots are not automatically reserved due to prior attendance in the program, for fairness in registering for all students.


Prep to 6


The suitable playing standard for the majority of students enrolling in our program is for new beginners to students who have had some prior experience playing tennis. If you are of intermediate to advanced standard in playing level, we recommend registering at our club, Legend Park Tennis Club in Glen Waverley, where intermediate and advanced squad lessons are on offer.


As a general guide, students are grouped as closely as possible with other students in their age range, with roughly 2 years between age groups (e.g. Preps to Grade 2 / Grades 3 & 4/ Grade 4/5/6’s). There may be some slight variations dependant on registrations received.

Term 2 2023 Dates:

Tuesday May 2nd - June 13th (7 week program)

Lesson Time Options:

  • Lunchtime 12:50 - 1:20pm (30 MINUTE LESSON)

  • After School 3:30pm - 4:15pm (45 MINUTE LESSON) *Preps to Grade 2 group has reached full capacity in Term 2 in the after school session. Grades 3 to 6 spots available only after school


Lunch Time School Program - How it Works:

  • 12:35: Tennis coach meets students in the Joigny Courtyard under the umbrella / sun shade, students eat lunch & change into runners

  • 12:45pm: Students are walked by Tennis Coach to the tennis courts

  • 12:50pm: Tennis lesson commences

  • 1:20pm - Tennis lesson concludes / Tennis coach walks class back to Joigny Courtyard for 1:26pm bell

After School Program - How it Works:

  • 3:15pm: Tennis coach meets students in the Joigny Courtyard under the umbrella / sun shade, students change into runners

  • 3:25pm: Students are walked by Tennis Coach to the tennis courts

  • 3:30pm: Tennis lesson commences

  • 4:15pm Pick Up- Tennis lesson concludes / all students are collected by parent / guardian at the school tennis courts

TERM 2 2023 Program Payment Due Date:

*Kindly note personalised invoices are not produced, information is provided below for payment:

Due Date: April 28th 2023

Payment is to be made via Bank Direct Deposit to the Coaching Team Click here for direct deposit bank details


Term 2 2023 Fee:

  • Lunch Time Program: $129.50 (GST Incl.)

  • After School Program: $154.00 (GST Incl.)

Click here for direct deposit bank details

IMPORTANT Program Policies / Procedures:

Please ensure you are aware of ALL applicable policies noted in the registration form below. Key policies to note are:

  • Lunch Time wet weather: if wet weather occurs, the session will be held as per usual under cover on school grounds.

  • After School wet weather / pick up location: lessons will not be cancelled due to wet weather, a theory lesson will be run indoors with the coaching staff, or the lesson will run in the school gym if available. Should this location change occur parents will be notified via SMS notification.

    There will be a slight pick up location change, students are to be collected from the Hall courtyard located next to the school hall / car driveway located next to the school oval at 4:15pm as per usual.

  • After School student collection: We have a strict pick-up time at 4:15pm at the school tennis courts. The coaching team depart to other venues from 4:15pm, prompt pick up of your child is essential and greatly appreciated by the coaching team.

    If parents do not arrive by 4:20pm at the tennis courts to collect their child, student/s will be walked to After Care by the coaching team to await collection by their parent, the coaching staff will depart to other venues.

What to bring to your lesson:

Please ensure you bring runners to change into, school shoes are not permitted on the tennis courts (school policy). A drink bottle and hat is recommended.

All equipment is provided, including tennis racquets to borrow.